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Protect children from viruses

What should we do?


1, keep the baby always clean and clean.

2, Cut the nails correctly very carefully.

3, the wet nappy should be removed and the parts should be cleaned with soap.

4, genital care because fungal infection is common in that area. The parts should be kept dry.

5, scalp care is very important. Fungal infections, dermatitis etc. can be prevented by proper cleaning.

6, Tight dress can cause irritation, therefore the dress should be loose and air must be allowed.

7, the room should have enough light and ventilation. It should be free from dust and insects.

8, a separate bed and water proof is preferred for children. It should be arranged near the mother's bed.

9, Always keep some music making games near the baby.

10, while the baby is pregnant supports the head with the hand, since the neck muscles are weak, a sudden fall of the head can be dangerous.

11, Breast milk is the best nourishment for the child, and it provides an emotional attachment, breast milk must be given according to the needs of children and preferably in the position of the mother, and cleaning the nipple is also necessary, and the mother must follow a good nutritional diet throughout the period of breastfeeding period.

12, If there is some contraindication to breastfeeding cows, the feeding bottle should be cleaned with warm water and should be kept dry until the next use.

13, cow's milk should be boiled and cooled. Some diseases such as bovine tuberculosis, brucellosis, etc. are spread through raw milk.

14, Some children are allergic to certain substances such as food, milk, clothing, cosmetics, etc. Try to find allergens and avoid such things.

15, mosquito nets should be used regularly, and diseases such as malaria, dengue, filariasis and yellow fever are spread through mosquito bites. Mosquito bites can also secrete skin eruptions with some allergy, and it also disturbs sound sleep.

16, a calm atmosphere for a good sleep must be maintained, compared to adults the children need more sleep, and the secretion of growth hormone is said to be stimulated during sleep.

17, growth growth, behavioral development, motor development, personal social development, language development etc. should be noted in relation to age. However, parents do not need to be overly anxious because slight differences are seen from one individual to another.

18, Growth assessment by measuring height and weight is essential.

19, in the first months of a child's life, he may defecate after every feeding, and proper training must be provided on the toilet when the infant grows, and the infant can be placed on the toilet seat at the age of ten months.

20, The toilet seat (copper seat) should be cleaned with antiseptic fluid before and after use, and should not be shared by other children.

21, if the child exhibits some signs of distress such as excessive crying, cramps, severe fever, neck stiffness, frequent vomiting and diarrhea, bluish body color change, difficulty breathing with snoring, pay attention and consult a doctor.

22, a first aid box should be kept in the room, which should contain sterile cotton, dressing materials, antiseptic lotion, ointment and forceps, and a separate book must be kept to note the phone numbers of doctors, ambulances, police etc.

23, pediatric medicines should be kept in a separate box, dose-related information and method of administration should be written on paper and affixed to the package.

24, while driving, keep the child in a separate seat belt.

25, when you go out with the child, keep an ID card with your phone number and address inside his little pocket.

26, When the child starts to walk, he always accompanies him to prevent falls and injuries.

27, In an emergency, first aid measures are taken and the victim is taken to a nearby hospital.

Choking: The child may swallow some hard objects and cause blockage. Immediately place the child lying on the stomach in a low position in the head and press the abdomen back and towards the chest. Stroking the upper back is also beneficial. If there is no result, contact a trained person to take the material with the help of tongs.

Accidental poisoning: Try to release toxic and vomiting toxins (excluding kerosene and acids). Wash the body with water to reduce absorption through the skin, determine the Bayeson and take the victim to the hospital.

Burns: - First, remove the heat source and place clean cold water. Cover the wound with sterile cotton and take it to the nearby hospital.

Wounds: - Clean the wound with clean water and stop bleeding with pressure, raise the wound above the level of the heart or use a tourniquet to compress the blood vessels. Then apply the wound with a sterile cotton pad and bandage and consult a doctor.

Drowning in the bathtub: - Take the child immediately and keep his position low in the head, gently press the abdomen or suck mouth to his mouth until the air becomes clear. Give the mouth a breath

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